Cobra XRS 9970G Review
People have started to check out the features of Cobra’s newest gadget, the Cobra XRS 9970G. Tagged as the world’s very first full-color touch screen radar detector, Cobra has announced that the gadget will be part of the launching in their recent line of radar detectors or jammers.
Reactive electronic gadgets like the Cobra XRS 9970G are used primarily to detect if your vehicle is being monitored by certain law enforcement groups in your state or country using a radar unit. If a motorist can detect beforehand that his or her vehicle is being observed, the risk of being prosecuted for speeding or for violating traffic rules are minimized or eradicated.
Scheduled to come out in the market in the latter part of 2010’s first quarter, it will be priced around $379. The Cobra XRS 9970G has a lot of additional functions and features that extant radar jammers lack. It is a digital radar, a laser, and a safety camera detector all rolled into one. This simple fact makes the outcry of motorists more intense, they certainly can’t wait to set one up inside their vehicle.
The Cobra XRS 9970G has a customizable touch screen featuring the ExtremeBright DataGrafix display technology. Cobra deemed that one of the trickiest parts of having a jammer inside a vehicle is its installation or positioning.
When the car is in motion, it might be hard for some drivers to do multi-tasking. That is why the Cobra XRS 9970G features a touch screen. This way, motorists can simply point out buttons on the full-color screen and still keep themselves focused on the road.
The Cobra XRS 9970G is equipped with 15 radar bands and a GPS chip. This way, drivers are forewarned of known “traps” such as surveillance cameras, speed traps, and hazardous intersections, found on GPS locations in the US as well as in Canada. This is possible since the unit is subscribed to the AURA database. This simply works when the vehicle enters “trap” zones, the Cobra XRS 9970G will display graphical warnings.
Updating the Cobra XRS 9970G database through the internet is also made easier since the unit has a USB port which you can connect with any computer or laptop. The Cobra XRS 9970G also features a GPS locator and a low car battery warning.
Before setting up the Cobra XRS 9970G inside your vehicle, check out existing policies and rules in your area. At the end of the day, still, the best solution of not having traffic violation tickets is by simply abiding the law.
Although the use of radar detectors or so-called fuzz busters like the Cobra XRS 9970G is illegal in some states and countries, this doesn’t stop motorists from purchasing and using them. Several people have already considered it a staple together with other GPS devices or navigators.
William Johnson is the owner and founder of He writes about car accessories, with his passion stemming from a deep enthusiasm for all things automotive. His website, RRD, focuses on in-depth reviews of car accessories to help people find the best and latest products in the market.